Case Study: Study on attitudes

Women in Film, Television and New Media Membership Study

Study on the attitudes, objectives and needs of current and potential members of the association.

The Work

Women in Film, Television and New Media in Quebec (FCTNM) entrusted me with the design and execution of a study on the attitudes, objectives and needs of current and potential members of the association, and its potential ensuing strategies.

Nineteen individual semi-directed phone interviews (subjective questions) were conducted by a team of member volunteers and myself with respondents from various professions, sectors of activity, career levels, age groups and association membership statuses.

This study affirmed, for the whole membership committee team and myself, the extent to which the women from this milieu are talented, creative, collaborative and dynamic.

It also confirmed how today’s women, regardless of generation, take responsibility in a socio-economic environment that, in spite of considerable progress, does not always seem to favour them.

The Client Perspective

Our contact with Kate allowed us to carry out a bold mandate with confidence and efficiency. With genuine human contact in mind, the methodology suggested by Kate (semi-directed phone interviews) offers much more than a traditional multiple-choice survey. Through its use, we were able to paint a detailed and honest picture of the place women occupy in the sectors of television, film and new media, and at the same time it enabled us to forge a real and personal link with members and future members for the association. Today, this study’s report is proving to be an extremely precious tool in the positioning and the role that a women’s association like ours must play in our environment.

Annie Leclair – FCTNM membership committee